Source code for rubix.spectra.ssp.grid

import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
import os
import h5py
import requests
from rubix import config as rubix_config
from rubix.logger import get_logger
from interpax import interp2d
from jax.tree_util import Partial
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from jaxtyping import Int, Array, Float, jaxtyped
from beartype import beartype as typechecker

SSP_UNITS = rubix_config["ssp"]["units"]

[docs] @dataclass class SSPGrid: """ Base class for all SSP models. """ age: Float[Array, " age_bins"] metallicity: Float[Array, " metallicity_bins"] wavelength: Float[Array, " wavelength_bins"] flux: Float[Array, "metallicity_bins age_bins wavelength_bins"] # This does not work with jax.jit, gives error that str is not valid Jax type # units: Dict[str, str] = eqx.field(default_factory=dict) def __init__(self, age, metallicity, wavelength, flux, _logger=None): self.age = jnp.asarray(age) self.metallicity = jnp.asarray(metallicity) self.wavelength = jnp.asarray(wavelength) self.flux = jnp.asarray(flux) # self.units = SSP_UNITS
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) def keys(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the keys of the dataclass. Parameters ---------- Args: None Returns ------- List of keys of the dataclass. """ return [ for f in fields(self)]
def __iter__(self): yield from (getattr(self, for field in fields(self))
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) def get_lookup_interpolation( self, method: str = "cubic", extrap: int = 0 ) -> Partial: """ Returns a 2D interpolation function for the SSP grid. The function can be called with metallicity and age as arguments to get the flux at that metallicity and age. Parameters ---------- method : str The method to use for interpolation. Default is "cubic". extrap: float, bool or tuple The value to return for points outside the interpolation domain. Default is 0. See Returns ------- The 2D interpolation function `Interp2D`. Example 1 ---------- >>> grid = SSPGrid(...) >>> lookup = grid.get_lookup_interpolation() >>> metallicity = 0.02 >>> age = 1e9 >>> flux = lookup(metallicity, age) Example 2 ---------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from rubix.spectra.ssp.templates import BruzualCharlot2003 >>> from jax import jit >>> ssp = BruzualCharlot2003 >>> wave = ssp.wavelength >>> age_index = 0 >>> met_index = 3 >>> target_age = ssp.age[age_index] + 0.5*(ssp.age[age_index+1] - ssp.age[age_index]) >>> target_met = ssp.metallicity[met_index] + 0.5*(ssp.metallicity[met_index+1] - ssp.metallicity[met_index]) >>> lookup = ssp.get_lookup_interpolation() >>> spec_calc = lookup(target_met, target_age) >>> spec_true = ssp.flux[met_index, age_index, :] >>> plt.plot(wave, spec_calc, label='calc') >>> plt.plot(wave, spec_true, label='true') >>> plt.legend() >>> plt.yscale('log') """ # Bind the SSP grid to the interpolation function interp = Partial( interp2d, method=method, x=self.metallicity, y=self.age, f=self.flux, extrap=extrap, ) interp.__doc__ = ( "Interpolation function for SSP grid, args: f(metallicity, age)" ) return interp
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @staticmethod def convert_units( data: Union[Float[Array, "..."], Int[Array, "..."]], from_units: str, to_units: str, ) -> Float[Array, "..."]: """ Convert the units of the data from `from_units` to `to_units`. Parameters ---------- Args: data (array-like): The data to convert. from_units (str): The units of the data. to_units (str): The units to convert to. Returns ------- The data converted to the new units. """ quantity = u.Quantity(data, from_units) return jnp.array(, dtype=jnp.float32)
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @staticmethod def checkout_SSP_template(config: dict, file_location: str) -> str: """ Check if the SSP template exists on disk, if not download it from the given URL in the configuration dictionary. Parameters ---------- config : dict Configuration dictionary. file_location : str Location to save the template file. Returns ------- The path to the file as str. """ _logger = get_logger() file_path = os.path.join(file_location, config["file_name"]) source = config["source"] if not config["source"].endswith("/"): source += "/" if not os.path.exists(file_path): f'[SSPModels] File {file_path} not found. Downloading it from {config["source"]}' ) try: response = requests.get(source + config["file_name"]) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as SSLerr: _logger.warning(f"[SSPModels] Error: {SSLerr}") _logger.warning( f"[SSPModels] Trying to download file {config['file_name']} from url {source} without SSL verification." ) try: response = requests.get(source + config["file_name"], verify=False) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: _logger.error(f"[SSPModels] Error: {err}") # except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh: # print("Http Error:",errh) raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not download file {config['file_name']} from url {source}." ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: _logger.error(f"[SSPModels] Error: {err}") # except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh: # print("Http Error:",errh) raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not download file {config['file_name']} from url {source}." ) response.raise_for_status() if response.status_code == 200: with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) f'[SSPModels] File {config["file_name"]} downloaded successfully!' ) return file_path else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not download file {config['file_name']} from url {source}." ) else: return file_path
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @classmethod def from_file(cls, config: dict, file_location: str): """ Template function to load a SSP grid from a file. Parameters ---------- Args: config (dict): Configuration dictionary. file_location (str): Location of the file. Returns ------- The SSP grid SSPGrid in the correct units. """ # Initialize an empty zero length array for each field # in the SSP configuration. # Actual loading of templates needs to be implemented in the subclasses. ssp_data = {} for field_name, field_info in config["fields"].items(): ssp_data[field_info["name"]] = jnp.empty(0) grid = cls(**ssp_data) grid.__class__.__name__ = config["name"] return grid
[docs] class HDF5SSPGrid(SSPGrid): """ Class for SSP models stored in HDF5 format. Mainly used for custom collection of Bruzual & Charlot 2003 models and MILES models. Example ------- >>> config = { ... "name": "Bruzual & Charlot (2003)", ... "format": "HDF5", ... "source": "", ... "file_name": "BC03lr.h5", ... "fields": { ... "age": { ... "name": "age", ... "units": "Gyr", ... "in_log": False ... }, ... "metallicity": { ... "name": "metallicity", ... "units": "", ... "in_log": False ... }, ... "wavelength": { ... "name": "wavelength", ... "units": "Angstrom", ... "in_log": False ... }, ... "flux": { ... "name": "flux", ... "units": "Lsun/Angstrom", ... "in_log": False ... } ... } ... } >>> from rubix.spectra.ssp.grid import HDF5SSPGrid >>> ssp = HDF5SSPGrid.from_file(config, file_location="../rubix/spectra/ssp/templates") >>> ssp.age.shape >>> ssp.metallicity.shape >>> ssp.wavelength.shape >>> ssp.flux.shape """ # Do we need this again or is this taken care of by inheriting from SSPGrid? age: Float[Array, " age_bins"] metallicity: Float[Array, " metallicity_bins"] wavelength: Float[Array, " wavelength_bins"] flux: Float[Array, "metallicity_bins age_bins wavelength_bins"] # This does not work with jax.jit, gives error that str is not valid Jax type # units: Dict[str, str] = eqx.field(default_factory=dict) def __init__(self, age, metallicity, wavelength, flux): super().__init__(age, metallicity, wavelength, flux)
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @classmethod def from_file(cls, config: dict, file_location: str) -> SSPGrid: """ Load a SSP grid from a HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- Args: config (dict): Configuration dictionary. Returns ------- The SSP grid `SSPGrid` in the correct units. """ if config.get("format", "").lower() not in ["hdf5", "fsps"]: raise ValueError("Configured file format is not HDF5.") file_path = cls.checkout_SSP_template(config, file_location) ssp_data = {} with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as f: for field_name, field_info in config["fields"].items(): data = f[field_info["name"]][:] # type: ignore data = jnp.power(10, data) if field_info["in_log"] else data # type: ignore data = jnp.array(data, dtype=jnp.float32) data = cls.convert_units( data, field_info["units"], SSP_UNITS[field_name] ) ssp_data[field_name] = data grid = cls(**ssp_data) grid.__class__.__name__ = config["name"] return grid
[docs] class pyPipe3DSSPGrid(SSPGrid): """ Class for all SSP models supported by the pyPipe3D project. See for more information. Example ------- >>> config = { ... "name": "Mastar Charlot & Bruzual (2019)", ... "format": "pyPipe3D", ... "source": "", ... "file_name": "MaStar_CB19.slog_1_5.fits.gz", ... "fields": { ... "age": { ... "name": "age", ... "units": "Gyr", ... "in_log": False ... }, ... "metallicity": { ... "name": "metallicity", ... "units": "", ... "in_log": False ... }, ... "wavelength": { ... "name": "wavelength", ... "units": "Angstrom", ... "in_log": False ... }, ... "flux": { ... "name": "flux", ... "units": "Lsun/Angstrom", ... "in_log": False ... } ... } ... } >>> from rubix.spectra.ssp.grid import pyPipe3DSSPGrid >>> ssp = pyPipe3DSSPGrid.from_file(config, file_location="../rubix/spectra/ssp/templates") """ age: Float[Array, " age_bins"] metallicity: Float[Array, " metallicity_bins"] wavelength: Float[Array, " wavelength_bins"] flux: Float[Array, "metallicity_bins age_bins wavelength_bins"] # This does not work with jax.jit, gives error that str is not valid Jax type # units: Dict[str, str] = eqx.field(default_factory=dict) def __init__(self, age, metallicity, wavelength, flux): super().__init__(age, metallicity, wavelength, flux)
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @staticmethod def get_wavelength_from_header(header, wave_axis=None) -> Array: """ Generates a wavelength array using `header`, a :class:`` instance, at axis `wave_axis`. wavelengths = CRVAL + CDELT*([0, 1, ..., NAXIS] + 1 - CRPIX) adapted from Parameters ---------- header : :class:`` FITS header with spectral data. wave_axis : int, optional The axis where the wavelength information is stored in `header`, (CRVAL, CDELT, NAXIS, CRPIX). Defaults to 1. Returns ------- Wavelengths array: wavelengths = CRVAL + CDELT*([0, 1, ..., NAXIS] + 1 - CRPIX) """ if wave_axis is None: wave_axis = 1 h = header crval = h[f"CRVAL{wave_axis}"] cdelt = h[f"CDELT{wave_axis}"] naxis = h[f"NAXIS{wave_axis}"] crpix = h[f"CRPIX{wave_axis}"] if not cdelt: cdelt = 1 return crval + cdelt * (jnp.arange(naxis) + 1 - crpix)
# @staticmethod # def get_normalization_wavelength(header, wavelength, flux_models, n_models): # """ # Search for the normalization wavelength at the FITS header. # If the key WAVENORM does not exists in the header, sweeps all the # models looking for the wavelengths where the flux is closer to 1, # calculates the median of those wavelengths and returns it. # # TODO: defines a better normalization wavelength if it's not present # in the header. # # adapted from # # Parameters # ---------- # header : :class:`` # FITS header with spectral data. # # wavelength : array like, wavelength of the model SSPs. # # flux_models : array like, flux of the model SSPs. # # n_models : int, number of models in the SSP grid. # # Returns # ------- # float # The normalization wavelength. # """ # try: # wave_norm = header['WAVENORM'] # except Exception as ex: # _closer = 1e-6 # probable_wavenorms = jnp.hstack([wavelength[(jnp.abs(flux_models[i] - 1) < _closer)] # for i in range(n_models)]) # wave_norm = jnp.median(probable_wavenorms) # print(f'[SSPModels] {ex}') # print(f'[SSPModels] setting normalization wavelength to {wave_norm} A') # return wave_norm
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @staticmethod def get_tZ_models( header, n_models: int ) -> Tuple[Float[Array, "..."], Float[Array, "..."], Float[Array, "..."]]: """ Reads the values of age, metallicity and mass-to-light at the normalization flux from the SSP models FITS file. adapted from Parameters ---------- header : :class:`` FITS header with spectral data. n_models : int, number of models in the SSP grid. Returns ------- array like Ages, in Gyr, in the sequence as they appear in FITS data. array like Metallicities in the sequence as they appear in FITS data. array like Mass-to-light value at the normalization wavelength. """ ages = jnp.zeros(n_models, dtype=jnp.float32) Zs = jnp.zeros(n_models, dtype=jnp.float32) mtol = jnp.zeros(n_models, dtype=jnp.float32) for i in range(n_models): mult = {"Gyr": 1, "Myr": 1 / 1000} name_read_split = header[f"NAME{i}"].split("_") # removes 'spec_ssp_' from the name name_read_split = name_read_split[2:] _age = name_read_split[0] if "yr" in _age: mult = mult[_age[-3:]] # Gyr or Myr _age = _age[:-3] else: mult = 1 # Gyr age = mult * jnp.float32(_age) _Z = name_read_split[1].split(".")[0] Z = jnp.float32(_Z.replace("z", "0.")) ages =[i].set(age) Zs =[i].set(Z) if jnp.float32(header[f"NORM{i}"]) != 0: mtol =[i].set(1 / jnp.float32(header[f"NORM{i}"])) else: mtol =[i].set(1) return jnp.unique(ages), jnp.unique(Zs), mtol
[docs] @jaxtyped(typechecker=typechecker) @classmethod def from_file(cls, config: dict, file_location: str) -> SSPGrid: """ Load a SSP grid from a fits file in pyPipe3D format. Parameters ---------- Args: config (dict): Configuration dictionary. file_location (str): Location of the file. Returns ------- The SSP grid SSPGrid in the correct units. """ if config.get("format", "").lower() != "pypipe3d": raise ValueError("Configured file format is not fits.") file_path = cls.checkout_SSP_template(config, file_location) ssp_data = {} with as f: _header = f[0].header # n_wave = _header['NAXIS1'] n_models = _header["NAXIS2"] # pyPIPE3D uses the key WAVENORM to store the normalization wavelength # not sure what this is actually used for in the end. # Here we enable reading it, but we should make sure we understand what it is used for. # normalization_wavelength = get_normalization_wavelength(_header, wavelength, flux_models, n_models) ages, metallicities, m2l = cls.get_tZ_models(_header, n_models) wavelength = cls.get_wavelength_from_header(_header) # read in the flux of the models and multiply by the mass-to-light ratio to get the flux in Lsun/Msun # see also eq. A1 here template_flux = jnp.array(f[0].data, dtype=jnp.float32) / m2l[:, None] # reshape and bring into the correct order of metallcity, age, wavelength # to conform with the SSPGrid dataclass flux_models = template_flux.reshape( len(metallicities), len(ages), len(wavelength) ) flux_models = template_flux.reshape( len(metallicities), len(ages), len(wavelength) ) for field_name, field_info in config["fields"].items(): if field_name == "flux": data = flux_models elif field_name == "wavelength": data = wavelength elif field_name == "age": data = ages elif field_name == "metallicity": data = metallicities else: raise ValueError(f"Field {field_name} not recognized") data = jnp.power(10, data) if field_info["in_log"] else data # type: ignore data = cls.convert_units( data, field_info["units"], SSP_UNITS[field_name] ) ssp_data[field_name] = data grid = cls(**ssp_data) grid.__class__.__name__ = config["name"] return grid
# TODO: build another class that handles eMILES, sMILES templates that are also used by the GECKOS survey. # those will also have alpha enhancement and not only metallicity dependence. might need some changes to the # interpolation function further down the pipeline...