import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
import os
import h5py
import requests
from rubix import config as rubix_config
from rubix.logger import get_logger
from interpax import interp2d
from jax.tree_util import Partial
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from jaxtyping import Int, Array, Float, jaxtyped
from beartype import beartype as typechecker
SSP_UNITS = rubix_config["ssp"]["units"]
class SSPGrid:
Base class for all SSP models.
age: Float[Array, " age_bins"]
metallicity: Float[Array, " metallicity_bins"]
wavelength: Float[Array, " wavelength_bins"]
flux: Float[Array, "metallicity_bins age_bins wavelength_bins"]
# This does not work with jax.jit, gives error that str is not valid Jax type
# units: Dict[str, str] = eqx.field(default_factory=dict)
def __init__(self, age, metallicity, wavelength, flux, _logger=None):
self.age = jnp.asarray(age)
self.metallicity = jnp.asarray(metallicity)
self.wavelength = jnp.asarray(wavelength)
self.flux = jnp.asarray(flux)
# self.units = SSP_UNITS
def keys(self) -> List[str]:
Returns the keys of the dataclass.
List of keys of the dataclass.
return [ for f in fields(self)]
def __iter__(self):
yield from (getattr(self, for field in fields(self))
def get_lookup_interpolation(
self, method: str = "cubic", extrap: int = 0
) -> Partial:
Returns a 2D interpolation function for the SSP grid.
The function can be called with metallicity and age as arguments to get the flux at that metallicity and age.
method : str
The method to use for interpolation. Default is "cubic".
extrap: float, bool or tuple
The value to return for points outside the interpolation domain. Default is 0.
The 2D interpolation function `Interp2D`.
Example 1
>>> grid = SSPGrid(...)
>>> lookup = grid.get_lookup_interpolation()
>>> metallicity = 0.02
>>> age = 1e9
>>> flux = lookup(metallicity, age)
Example 2
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from rubix.spectra.ssp.templates import BruzualCharlot2003
>>> from jax import jit
>>> ssp = BruzualCharlot2003
>>> wave = ssp.wavelength
>>> age_index = 0
>>> met_index = 3
>>> target_age = ssp.age[age_index] + 0.5*(ssp.age[age_index+1] - ssp.age[age_index])
>>> target_met = ssp.metallicity[met_index] + 0.5*(ssp.metallicity[met_index+1] - ssp.metallicity[met_index])
>>> lookup = ssp.get_lookup_interpolation()
>>> spec_calc = lookup(target_met, target_age)
>>> spec_true = ssp.flux[met_index, age_index, :]
>>> plt.plot(wave, spec_calc, label='calc')
>>> plt.plot(wave, spec_true, label='true')
>>> plt.legend()
>>> plt.yscale('log')
# Bind the SSP grid to the interpolation function
interp = Partial(
interp.__doc__ = (
"Interpolation function for SSP grid, args: f(metallicity, age)"
return interp
def convert_units(
data: Union[Float[Array, "..."], Int[Array, "..."]],
from_units: str,
to_units: str,
) -> Float[Array, "..."]:
Convert the units of the data from `from_units` to `to_units`.
data (array-like): The data to convert.
from_units (str): The units of the data.
to_units (str): The units to convert to.
The data converted to the new units.
quantity = u.Quantity(data, from_units)
return jnp.array(, dtype=jnp.float32)
def checkout_SSP_template(config: dict, file_location: str) -> str:
Check if the SSP template exists on disk, if not download it
from the given URL in the configuration dictionary.
config : dict
Configuration dictionary.
file_location : str
Location to save the template file.
The path to the file as str.
_logger = get_logger()
file_path = os.path.join(file_location, config["file_name"])
source = config["source"]
if not config["source"].endswith("/"):
source += "/"
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
f'[SSPModels] File {file_path} not found. Downloading it from {config["source"]}'
response = requests.get(source + config["file_name"])
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as SSLerr:
_logger.warning(f"[SSPModels] Error: {SSLerr}")
f"[SSPModels] Trying to download file {config['file_name']} from url {source} without SSL verification."
response = requests.get(source + config["file_name"], verify=False)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
_logger.error(f"[SSPModels] Error: {err}")
# except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh:
# print("Http Error:",errh)
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Could not download file {config['file_name']} from url {source}."
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
_logger.error(f"[SSPModels] Error: {err}")
# except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh:
# print("Http Error:",errh)
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Could not download file {config['file_name']} from url {source}."
if response.status_code == 200:
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
f'[SSPModels] File {config["file_name"]} downloaded successfully!'
return file_path
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Could not download file {config['file_name']} from url {source}."
return file_path
def from_file(cls, config: dict, file_location: str):
Template function to load a SSP grid from a file.
config (dict): Configuration dictionary.
file_location (str): Location of the file.
The SSP grid SSPGrid in the correct units.
# Initialize an empty zero length array for each field
# in the SSP configuration.
# Actual loading of templates needs to be implemented in the subclasses.
ssp_data = {}
for field_name, field_info in config["fields"].items():
ssp_data[field_info["name"]] = jnp.empty(0)
grid = cls(**ssp_data)
grid.__class__.__name__ = config["name"]
return grid
class HDF5SSPGrid(SSPGrid):
Class for SSP models stored in HDF5 format.
Mainly used for custom collection of Bruzual & Charlot 2003 models and MILES models.
>>> config = {
... "name": "Bruzual & Charlot (2003)",
... "format": "HDF5",
... "source": "",
... "file_name": "BC03lr.h5",
... "fields": {
... "age": {
... "name": "age",
... "units": "Gyr",
... "in_log": False
... },
... "metallicity": {
... "name": "metallicity",
... "units": "",
... "in_log": False
... },
... "wavelength": {
... "name": "wavelength",
... "units": "Angstrom",
... "in_log": False
... },
... "flux": {
... "name": "flux",
... "units": "Lsun/Angstrom",
... "in_log": False
... }
... }
... }
>>> from rubix.spectra.ssp.grid import HDF5SSPGrid
>>> ssp = HDF5SSPGrid.from_file(config, file_location="../rubix/spectra/ssp/templates")
>>> ssp.age.shape
>>> ssp.metallicity.shape
>>> ssp.wavelength.shape
>>> ssp.flux.shape
# Do we need this again or is this taken care of by inheriting from SSPGrid?
age: Float[Array, " age_bins"]
metallicity: Float[Array, " metallicity_bins"]
wavelength: Float[Array, " wavelength_bins"]
flux: Float[Array, "metallicity_bins age_bins wavelength_bins"]
# This does not work with jax.jit, gives error that str is not valid Jax type
# units: Dict[str, str] = eqx.field(default_factory=dict)
def __init__(self, age, metallicity, wavelength, flux):
super().__init__(age, metallicity, wavelength, flux)
def from_file(cls, config: dict, file_location: str) -> SSPGrid:
Load a SSP grid from a HDF5 file.
config (dict): Configuration dictionary.
The SSP grid `SSPGrid` in the correct units.
if config.get("format", "").lower() not in ["hdf5", "fsps"]:
raise ValueError("Configured file format is not HDF5.")
file_path = cls.checkout_SSP_template(config, file_location)
ssp_data = {}
with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as f:
for field_name, field_info in config["fields"].items():
data = f[field_info["name"]][:] # type: ignore
data = jnp.power(10, data) if field_info["in_log"] else data # type: ignore
data = jnp.array(data, dtype=jnp.float32)
data = cls.convert_units(
data, field_info["units"], SSP_UNITS[field_name]
ssp_data[field_name] = data
grid = cls(**ssp_data)
grid.__class__.__name__ = config["name"]
return grid
class pyPipe3DSSPGrid(SSPGrid):
Class for all SSP models supported by the pyPipe3D project.
See for more information.
>>> config = {
... "name": "Mastar Charlot & Bruzual (2019)",
... "format": "pyPipe3D",
... "source": "",
... "file_name": "MaStar_CB19.slog_1_5.fits.gz",
... "fields": {
... "age": {
... "name": "age",
... "units": "Gyr",
... "in_log": False
... },
... "metallicity": {
... "name": "metallicity",
... "units": "",
... "in_log": False
... },
... "wavelength": {
... "name": "wavelength",
... "units": "Angstrom",
... "in_log": False
... },
... "flux": {
... "name": "flux",
... "units": "Lsun/Angstrom",
... "in_log": False
... }
... }
... }
>>> from rubix.spectra.ssp.grid import pyPipe3DSSPGrid
>>> ssp = pyPipe3DSSPGrid.from_file(config, file_location="../rubix/spectra/ssp/templates")
age: Float[Array, " age_bins"]
metallicity: Float[Array, " metallicity_bins"]
wavelength: Float[Array, " wavelength_bins"]
flux: Float[Array, "metallicity_bins age_bins wavelength_bins"]
# This does not work with jax.jit, gives error that str is not valid Jax type
# units: Dict[str, str] = eqx.field(default_factory=dict)
def __init__(self, age, metallicity, wavelength, flux):
super().__init__(age, metallicity, wavelength, flux)
# @staticmethod
# def get_normalization_wavelength(header, wavelength, flux_models, n_models):
# """
# Search for the normalization wavelength at the FITS header.
# If the key WAVENORM does not exists in the header, sweeps all the
# models looking for the wavelengths where the flux is closer to 1,
# calculates the median of those wavelengths and returns it.
# TODO: defines a better normalization wavelength if it's not present
# in the header.
# adapted from
# Parameters
# ----------
# header : :class:``
# FITS header with spectral data.
# wavelength : array like, wavelength of the model SSPs.
# flux_models : array like, flux of the model SSPs.
# n_models : int, number of models in the SSP grid.
# Returns
# -------
# float
# The normalization wavelength.
# """
# try:
# wave_norm = header['WAVENORM']
# except Exception as ex:
# _closer = 1e-6
# probable_wavenorms = jnp.hstack([wavelength[(jnp.abs(flux_models[i] - 1) < _closer)]
# for i in range(n_models)])
# wave_norm = jnp.median(probable_wavenorms)
# print(f'[SSPModels] {ex}')
# print(f'[SSPModels] setting normalization wavelength to {wave_norm} A')
# return wave_norm
def get_tZ_models(
header, n_models: int
) -> Tuple[Float[Array, "..."], Float[Array, "..."], Float[Array, "..."]]:
Reads the values of age, metallicity and mass-to-light at the
normalization flux from the SSP models FITS file.
adapted from
header : :class:``
FITS header with spectral data.
n_models : int, number of models in the SSP grid.
array like
Ages, in Gyr, in the sequence as they appear in FITS data.
array like
Metallicities in the sequence as they appear in FITS data.
array like
Mass-to-light value at the normalization wavelength.
ages = jnp.zeros(n_models, dtype=jnp.float32)
Zs = jnp.zeros(n_models, dtype=jnp.float32)
mtol = jnp.zeros(n_models, dtype=jnp.float32)
for i in range(n_models):
mult = {"Gyr": 1, "Myr": 1 / 1000}
name_read_split = header[f"NAME{i}"].split("_")
# removes 'spec_ssp_' from the name
name_read_split = name_read_split[2:]
_age = name_read_split[0]
if "yr" in _age:
mult = mult[_age[-3:]] # Gyr or Myr
_age = _age[:-3]
mult = 1 # Gyr
age = mult * jnp.float32(_age)
_Z = name_read_split[1].split(".")[0]
Z = jnp.float32(_Z.replace("z", "0."))
ages =[i].set(age)
Zs =[i].set(Z)
if jnp.float32(header[f"NORM{i}"]) != 0:
mtol =[i].set(1 / jnp.float32(header[f"NORM{i}"]))
mtol =[i].set(1)
return jnp.unique(ages), jnp.unique(Zs), mtol
def from_file(cls, config: dict, file_location: str) -> SSPGrid:
Load a SSP grid from a fits file in pyPipe3D format.
config (dict): Configuration dictionary.
file_location (str): Location of the file.
The SSP grid SSPGrid in the correct units.
if config.get("format", "").lower() != "pypipe3d":
raise ValueError("Configured file format is not fits.")
file_path = cls.checkout_SSP_template(config, file_location)
ssp_data = {}
with as f:
_header = f[0].header
# n_wave = _header['NAXIS1']
n_models = _header["NAXIS2"]
# pyPIPE3D uses the key WAVENORM to store the normalization wavelength
# not sure what this is actually used for in the end.
# Here we enable reading it, but we should make sure we understand what it is used for.
# normalization_wavelength = get_normalization_wavelength(_header, wavelength, flux_models, n_models)
ages, metallicities, m2l = cls.get_tZ_models(_header, n_models)
wavelength = cls.get_wavelength_from_header(_header)
# read in the flux of the models and multiply by the mass-to-light ratio to get the flux in Lsun/Msun
# see also eq. A1 here
template_flux = jnp.array(f[0].data, dtype=jnp.float32) / m2l[:, None]
# reshape and bring into the correct order of metallcity, age, wavelength
# to conform with the SSPGrid dataclass
flux_models = template_flux.reshape(
len(metallicities), len(ages), len(wavelength)
flux_models = template_flux.reshape(
len(metallicities), len(ages), len(wavelength)
for field_name, field_info in config["fields"].items():
if field_name == "flux":
data = flux_models
elif field_name == "wavelength":
data = wavelength
elif field_name == "age":
data = ages
elif field_name == "metallicity":
data = metallicities
raise ValueError(f"Field {field_name} not recognized")
data = jnp.power(10, data) if field_info["in_log"] else data # type: ignore
data = cls.convert_units(
data, field_info["units"], SSP_UNITS[field_name]
ssp_data[field_name] = data
grid = cls(**ssp_data)
grid.__class__.__name__ = config["name"]
return grid
# TODO: build another class that handles eMILES, sMILES templates that are also used by the GECKOS survey.
# those will also have alpha enhancement and not only metallicity dependence. might need some changes to the
# interpolation function further down the pipeline...