Source code for rubix.galaxy.input_handler.illustris

from .base import BaseHandler  # type: ignore
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
from rubix.utils import convert_values_to_physical, SFTtoAge
from rubix import config

[docs] class IllustrisHandler(BaseHandler): """ This class is used to handle the input data from the Illustris simulation. The data is stored in HDF5 files, which are read using the h5py library. The data is then converted to physical units using the values in the header of the file. The data is then stored in a dictionary, which can be accessed using the get_particle_data() method. """ MAPPED_FIELDS = config["IllustrisHandler"]["MAPPED_FIELDS"] # This Dictionary maps the particle name in the simulation to the name used in Rubix MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS = config["IllustrisHandler"]["MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS"] # This dictiony map the keys of the simulation metadata to the keys used in Rubix # This also defines the required fields for the simulation metadata, which are used to check if the file is valid SIMULATION_META_KEYS = config["IllustrisHandler"]["SIMULATION_META_KEYS"] GALAXY_SUBHALO_KEYS = config["IllustrisHandler"]["GALAXY_SUBHALO_KEYS"] # This dictionary defines the units we get from the simulation UNITS = config["IllustrisHandler"]["UNITS"] ILLUSTRIS_DATA = config["IllustrisHandler"]["ILLUSTRIS_DATA"] def __init__(self, path, logger=None): super().__init__() if logger is not None: self._logger = logger else: import logging self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.path = path # Check if paths are valid if not os.path.exists(self.path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {self.path} not found") self.simulation_metadata, self.particle_data, self.galaxy_data = ( self._load_data() )
[docs] def get_particle_data(self): return self.particle_data
[docs] def get_galaxy_data(self): return self.galaxy_data
[docs] def get_simulation_metadata(self): return self.simulation_metadata
[docs] def get_units(self): return self.UNITS
def _check_fields(self, f): self._logger.debug("Checking if the fields are present in the file...") self._logger.debug(f"Keys in the file: {f.keys()}") self._logger.debug(f"Expected fields: {self.ILLUSTRIS_DATA}") present_fields = set(f.keys()) expected_fields = set(self.ILLUSTRIS_DATA) matching_fields = present_fields.intersection(expected_fields) extra_fields = present_fields - expected_fields if not matching_fields: raise ValueError( f"No expected fields found in the file. Expected at least one of: {self.ILLUSTRIS_DATA}" ) for field in extra_fields: if field.startswith("PartType"): raise NotImplementedError( f"Unsupported particle type found in the file: {field}" ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected fields found in the file: {extra_fields}") self._logger.debug(f"Matching fields: {matching_fields}") """ def _check_particle_data(self, particle_data, units): self._logger.debug("Checking if the fields are present in the particle data...") self._logger.debug(f"Keys in the particle data: {particle_data.keys()}") self._logger.debug(f"Expected fields: {self.MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS}") present_fields = set(particle_data.keys()) expected_fields = set(self.MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS.values()) matching_fields = present_fields.intersection(expected_fields) extra_fields = present_fields - expected_fields if not matching_fields: raise ValueError( f"No expected fields found in the particle data. Expected at least one of: {list(expected_fields)}" ) for field in extra_fields: if field.startswith("PartType"): raise NotImplementedError( f"Unsupported particle type found in the particle data: {field}" ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected fields found in the particle data: {extra_fields}" ) self._logger.debug(f"Matching fields: {matching_fields}") # Check for missing fields within each present particle type for particle_type, mapped_name in self.MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS.items(): if mapped_name in particle_data: required_fields = list(self.MAPPED_FIELDS[particle_type].values()) self._logger.debug( f"Required fields for {mapped_name}: {required_fields}" ) self._logger.debug( f"Available fields in particle_data[{mapped_name}]: {list(particle_data[mapped_name].keys())}" ) for field in required_fields: if field not in particle_data[mapped_name]: raise ValueError( f"Missing field {field} in particle data for particle type {particle_type}" ) """ def _load_data(self): # open the file with h5py.File(self.path, "r") as f: self._logger.debug("Loading data from Illustris file..") # Check if the file has the required fields self._check_fields(f) # Get information from the header # TIME is the scale factor of the simulation # HUBBLE_PARAM is the Hubble parameter # these values are used to convert the values to physical units # PARTICLE_KEYS are the keys of the particle types in the file self.TIME, self.HUBBLE_PARAM, self.PARTICLE_KEYS = ( self._get_data_from_header(f) ) # Get simulation metadata simulation_metadata = self._get_metadata(f) # Get the data of the different particle types # Before loading the data, filter out all wind phase gas cells # Those are cells with negative StellarFormationTime particle_data = self._get_data(f) # Get the Subhalo Galaxy Data galaxy_data = self._get_galaxy_data(f) return simulation_metadata, particle_data, galaxy_data def _get_data_from_header(self, f): # Check if the file has the required fields if "Header" not in f: raise ValueError("Header is missing from the HDF5 file") if "Time" not in f["Header"].attrs: raise ValueError("Time not found in the header attributes") if "HubbleParam" not in f["Header"].attrs: raise ValueError("HubbleParam not found in the header attributes") # Get the values TIME = f["Header"].attrs["Time"] HUBBLE_PARAM = f["Header"].attrs["HubbleParam"] PARTICLE_KEYS = self._get_particle_keys(f) return TIME, HUBBLE_PARAM, PARTICLE_KEYS def _get_particle_keys(self, f): # Check if the keys are supported keys = [key for key in f.keys() if key.startswith("PartType")] supported_keys = self.MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS.keys() for key in keys: if key not in supported_keys: raise NotImplementedError( f"{key} is not supported. Currently only {supported_keys} are supported" ) return keys def _get_galaxy_data(self, f): redshift = f["Header"].attrs["Redshift"] center = self._get_center(f) halfmassrad_stars = self._get_halfmassrad_stars(f) data = { "redshift": redshift, "center": center, "halfmassrad_stars": halfmassrad_stars, } return data def _get_halfmassrad_stars(self, f): halfmass_rad_stars = f["SubhaloData"]["halfmassrad_stars"][()] # Get the attributes to convert values from Coordinates field # attributes_coords = f["PartType4"]["Coordinates"].attrs present_fields = set(f.keys()) attributes_coords = None # for part_type in present_fields: # attributes_coords = f[part_type]["Coordinates"].attrs # break # Stop after finding the first match for part_type in present_fields: if "Coordinates" in f[part_type]: attributes_coords = f[part_type]["Coordinates"].attrs break # Found 'Coordinates', stop the loop # attributes_coords = f[present_fields[0]]["Coordinates"].attrs # Convert to physical Units halfmass_rad_stars = convert_values_to_physical( halfmass_rad_stars, self.TIME, attributes_coords["a_scaling"], self.HUBBLE_PARAM, attributes_coords["h_scaling"], attributes_coords["to_cgs"], ) return halfmass_rad_stars def _get_center(self, f): pos_x = f["SubhaloData"]["pos_x"][()] pos_y = f["SubhaloData"]["pos_y"][()] pos_z = f["SubhaloData"]["pos_z"][()] center = np.array([pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]) # Get the attributes to convert values from Coordinates field # attributes_coords = f["PartType4"]["Coordinates"].attrs present_fields = set(f.keys()) attributes_coords = None # for part_type in present_fields: # attributes_coords = f[part_type]["Coordinates"].attrs # break # Stop after finding the first match for part_type in present_fields: if "Coordinates" in f[part_type]: attributes_coords = f[part_type]["Coordinates"].attrs break # Found 'Coordinates', stop the loop # attributes_coords = f[present_fields[0]]["Coordinates"].attrs # Convert to physical Units center = convert_values_to_physical( center, self.TIME, attributes_coords["a_scaling"], self.HUBBLE_PARAM, attributes_coords["h_scaling"], attributes_coords["to_cgs"], ) return center def _get_data(self, f): data = {} for part_type in self.PARTICLE_KEYS: # Get the particle data data_particle = self._get_particle_data(f, part_type) # Save with the correct key data[self.MAPPED_PARTICLE_KEYS[part_type]] = data_particle return data def _get_metadata(self, f): data = {} for keys in f["Header"].attrs: data[keys] = f["Header"].attrs[keys] return data def _get_particle_data(self, f, part_type): """Convert values to physical units""" # self._logger.debug( # f"Calculating {part_type} particles parameters in physical units.." # ) part_data = {} # Check if PartyType has GFM_StellarFormationTime field if "GFM_StellarFormationTime" in f[part_type].keys(): # Use only particles that have positive StellarFormationTime # This filters out wind phase gas cells valid_indices = f[part_type]["GFM_StellarFormationTime"][()] >= 0 else: valid_indices = np.ones(len(f[part_type]["Coordinates"][()]), dtype=bool) self._logger.debug( f"Found {np.sum(valid_indices)} valid particles out of {len(valid_indices)}" ) for key in f[part_type].keys(): # Check if key is supported, if not, raise a warning and skip if key not in self.MAPPED_FIELDS[part_type]: raise NotImplementedError( f"{key} is not supported. Currently only {self.MAPPED_FIELDS[part_type].keys()} are supported" ) values = f[part_type][key][valid_indices] attributes = f[part_type][key].attrs physical_values = convert_values_to_physical( values, self.TIME, attributes["a_scaling"], self.HUBBLE_PARAM, attributes["h_scaling"], attributes["to_cgs"], ) # Look for the correct field name if key == "GFM_StellarFormationTime": self._logger.debug("Converting Stellar Formation Time to Age") physical_values = self._convert_stellar_formation_time(physical_values) key = self.MAPPED_FIELDS[part_type][key] part_data[key] = physical_values # Check if all fields are present if len(part_data) != len(self.MAPPED_FIELDS[part_type]): raise ValueError( f"Missing fields in particle data. Expected: {self.MAPPED_FIELDS[part_type].keys()}, got: {part_data.keys()}" ) return part_data def _convert_stellar_formation_time(self, sft): assert np.all( sft >= 0 ), "Stellar Formation Time cannot be negative! If negative, it means the particle is not a star." return SFTtoAge(sft) # in Gyr