import os
import requests
import h5py
from typing import List, Union
from rubix import config
class IllustrisAPI:
This class is used to load data from the Illustris API.
It loads both subhalo data and particle data from a given simulation, snapshot, and subhalo ID.
Check the source for the API documentation for more information:
URL = ""
def __init__(
particle_type: list = ["stars", "gas"],
"""Illustris API class.
Class to load data from the Illustris API.
api_key : str
API key for the Illustris API.
particle_type : str
Particle type to load. Default is "stars".
simulation : str
Simulation to load from. Default is "TNG100-1".
snapshot : int
Snapshot to load from. Default is 99.
if api_key is None:
raise ValueError("Please set the API key.")
self.headers = {"api-key": api_key}
self.particle_type = particle_type
self.snapshot = snapshot
self.simulation = simulation
self.baseURL = f"{self.URL}{self.simulation}/snapshots/{self.snapshot}"
self.DATAPATH = save_data_path
if logger is None:
import logging
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.logger = logger
def _get(self, path, params=None, name=None):
"""Get data from the Illustris API.
path : str
Path to load from.
params : dict
Parameters to pass to the API.
name : str
Name to save the file as. If None, the name will be taken from the content-disposition header.
r : requests object
The requests object.
os.makedirs(self.DATAPATH, exist_ok=True)
f"Performing GET request from {path}, with parameters {params}"
r = requests.get(path, params=params, headers=self.headers)
# raise exception if response code is not HTTP SUCCESS (200)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
raise ValueError(err)
if r.headers["content-type"] == "application/json":
return r.json() # parse json responses automatically
if "content-disposition" not in r.headers:
raise ValueError("No content-disposition header found. Cannot save file.")
filename = (
if name is None
else name
file_path = os.path.join(self.DATAPATH, f"{filename}.hdf5")
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
return filename # return the filename string
def get_subhalo(self, id):
Get subhalo data from the Illustris API.
Returns the subhalo data for the given subhalo ID.
id (int): Subhalo ID to load.
The subhalo data as a dictionary (r).
if not isinstance(id, int):
raise ValueError("ID should be an integer.")
return self._get(f"{self.baseURL}/subhalos/{id}")
def _load_hdf5(self, filename):
"""Load HDF5 file.
Loads the HDF5 file with the given filename.
filename : str
Filename to load.
returndict : dict
Dictionary containing the data from the HDF5 file.
# Check if filename ends with .hdf5
if filename.endswith(".hdf5"):
filename = filename[:-5]
returndict = dict()
file_path = os.path.join(self.DATAPATH, f"{filename}.hdf5")
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
raise ValueError(f"File {file_path} does not exist.")
with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as f:
for type in f.keys():
if type == "Header":
# create new dictionary for each type
returndict[type] = dict()
for fields in f[type].keys(): # type: ignore
returndict[type][fields] = f[type][fields][()] # type: ignore
return returndict
def get_particle_data(self, id: int, particle_type, fields: Union[str, List[str]]):
Get particle data from the Illustris API.
Returns the particle data for the given subhalo ID.
id (int): Subhalo ID to load.
fields (str or list): Fields to load. If a string, the fields should be comma-separated.
Dictionary containing the particle data in the given fields (data).
# Get fields in the right format
if isinstance(fields, str):
if fields == "":
raise ValueError("Fields should not be empty.")
fields = [fields]
if not isinstance(id, int):
raise ValueError("ID should be an integer.")
fields = ",".join(fields)
if particle_type not in ["stars", "gas", "dm"]:
raise ValueError("Particle type should be 'stars', 'gas', or 'dm'.")
url = f"{self.baseURL}/subhalos/{id}/cutout.hdf5?{particle_type}={fields}"
self._get(url, name="cutout")
data = self._load_hdf5("cutout")
return data
def load_galaxy(self, id: int, overwrite: bool = False, reuse: bool = False):
Download Galaxy Data from the Illustris API.
This function downloads both the subhalo data and the particle data for stars and gas particles, for the fields specified in DEFAULT_FIELDS.
It saves the data in a HDF5 file.
id (int): The ID of the subhalo to download.
overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. Default is False.
reuse (bool): Whether to reuse the file if it already exists. Default is False.
The galaxy data as dictionary.
>>> illustris_api = IllustrisAPI(api_key, simulation="TNG50-1", snapshot=99, particle_type=["stars", "gas"])
>>> data = illustris_api.load_galaxy(id=0, verbose=True)
# Check if there is already a file with the same name
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.DATAPATH, f"galaxy-id-{id}.hdf5")):
# If file exists, check if we should overwrite it
if not overwrite:
# If we should not overwrite it, check if we should reuse it
if reuse:
f"Reusing existing file galaxy-id-{id}.hdf5. If you want to download the data again, set reuse=False."
return self._load_hdf5(filename=f"galaxy-id-{id}")
# If we should not reuse it, raise an error
raise ValueError(
f"File with name galaxy-id-{id}.hdf5 already exists. Please remove it before downloading the data, or set overwrite=True, or reuse=True to load the data."
f"Found existing file galaxy-id-{id}.hdf5, but overwrite is set to True. Overwriting the file."
# Check which particles we want to load
self.logger.debug(f"Loading galaxy with ID {id}")
url = f"{self.baseURL}/subhalos/{id}/cutout.hdf5?"
for particle_type in self.particle_type:
# Check if particle type is valid
if particle_type not in self.DEFAULT_FIELDS.keys():
raise ValueError(
f"Got unsupported particle type. Supported types are {self.DEFAULT_FIELDS.keys()} and we got {particle_type}."
fields = self.DEFAULT_FIELDS[particle_type]
# Check if fields is a list
if isinstance(fields, list):
fields = ",".join(fields)
url += f"{particle_type}={fields}&"
# Remove the last "&" from the url
if url[-1] == "&":
url = url[:-1]
self._get(url, name=f"galaxy-id-{id}")
subhalo_data = self.get_subhalo(id)
self._append_subhalo_data(subhalo_data, id)
data = self._load_hdf5(filename=f"galaxy-id-{id}")
return data
def _append_subhalo_data(self, subhalo_data, id):
self.logger.debug(f"Appending subhalo data for subhalo {id}")
# Append subhalo data to the HDF5 file
file_path = os.path.join(self.DATAPATH, f"galaxy-id-{id}.hdf5")
with h5py.File(file_path, "a") as f:
for key in subhalo_data.keys():
if isinstance(subhalo_data[key], dict):
f["SubhaloData"].create_dataset(key, data=subhalo_data[key]) # type: ignore
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"IllustrisAPI: Simulation {self.simulation}, Snapshot {self.snapshot}, Particle Type {self.particle_type}"